Sustainable mobility

In addition to the housing challenge, we also face a mobility challenge. This means that new solutions need to be found for reducing car use and promoting sustainable alternatives in new residential, working, and shopping areas. AM addresses this on three levels: a car-light urban design, investigating the mobility needs of future residents, and offering alternatives to the first and/or second car. Together with various mobility partners, we are working on multimodal shared mobility solutions for residential and working functions.

Mobility approach for area development

AM has developed a unique mobility approach based on the research, embedding sustainable mobility throughout the entire area development.

Step 1: Analyze
Here, we analyze the extent to which the location is car-dependent, considering accessibility, local policies, and the distance to work locations.

Step 2: Design
In the urban design, we incorporate variables that make slow transport more attractive, from car-free streets to parking at a distance. This also includes programming daily amenities, walking and cycling routes, and shared mobility hubs within walking distance.

Step 3: Program
Once the program of the area development and the design in broad outlines are determined, we program the mobility implementation. We do this with fixed shared mobility partners, matching the mobility needs of the target groups. We consider diversity in the offering, affordability, and multimodality.

Step 4: Implement
We start shared mobility with a pilot hub, testing the supply with users from surrounding neighborhoods and the first residents. The shared mobility supply grows along with the development of the area.

Step 5: Monitor
In the usage phase, we monitor the usage and satisfaction of users for five to ten years with our mobility partners, landlords such as housing associations and investors, and the municipality.

Read more about this in our whitepaper 'Shared mobility; an area challenge' (in Dutch).